How to grow, trim & maintain a long beard

How to grow and trim a long beard

After a decade of unwavering popularity, beards are still very much on trend. As more men sport facial hair than ever before, the substantial full beard has become a status symbol and the ultimate fashion accessory. Big, burly beards are a sought after look, but when it comes to facial hair, no one style suits all. A carefully curated beard can help highlight your best features and ensure you look your best. Here, we’ll help you work out the optimal beard styles for your face shape, as well as how to grow a long beard, trim and maintain it at its best, log on to

How to grow a full beard

Step 1: Stop shaving & trimming for a while

Growing any big beard style takes time and patience. Mother Nature won’t get to work overnight, so perseverance is key to achieving the big beard of your dreams. Wondering how long a beard takes to grow? Genetics, testosterone levels and lifestyle choices all have a part to play. The average growth rate for hair is around half an inch per month, so a full beard could take anything from three months to a year, depending on what kind of style you want. Eating a balanced diet, exercising, getting enough sleep and good beard care can help your beard grow faster, thicker and longer. However, the best tip for how to grow a long beard might just be patience. Don’t give up too soon.

Step 2: Condition your long beard regularly with beard oil to keep it soft & thick

Most people use products such as moisturisers to replenish their skin, and facial hair requires similar care and attention. Beard hair is subject to damage from environmental factors just like your skin. You can make growing a full beard easier by making beard oil your new best friend. Although oiling your beard regularly won’t accelerate the rate at which it grows, conditioning your long beard can help prevent breakage, making it appear thicker and healthier than without. Massage in beard oil every day to keep your facial hair soft, conditioned and naturally shiny.

Step 3: Use a beard brush to groom it daily

Daily grooming is essential to growing and maintaining a long beard that’s striking for all the right reasons – especially if you’re trying to grow a bold and big beard style. A quality beard comb or beard brush can work wonders to help you look at your best during the tricky growing phase. Even when shaving and trimming your beard is off the cards, you’ll still want to make sure it looks well groomed. Invest in a quality boar bristle beard brush and keep it with you to prevent your full beard from knotting or becoming matted during the day.

Step 4: While growing a full beard make sure to shave & trim edges for an even result

When growing a full beard, remember that it’s a journey. You may have to suffer your facial hair looking a little patchy or wild for a while until you get your desired look. Once you have enough hair to cover your face, it will start to grow out in volume. Using a beard trimmer while your facial hair grows may sound counterproductive, but proper maintenance will keep your long beard orderly and give it an enviable shape. Try using the Braun Series X trimmer to tidy up the beard edges and ensure clean, even lines across your face.

Step 5: Use a beard shampoo daily to ensure you keep it clean & fresh

If you’re growing a long beard or a full beard, good hygiene and cleanliness is really important. Most people shampoo and condition the hair on their head daily, so washing your beard at least three times a week should become an essential part of your grooming routine. Using a tailored beard shampoo is advisable, as some formulas can strip your beard of its natural oils and cause the hair to become dry, wiry and brittle. This can result in dreaded split ends or bald patches. Exfoliating regularly and using beard shampoo will help lock moisture into the hair follicles, which will then stop your beard from becoming dry or itchy.

How to trim a long beard

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