Uncategorized – https://klgoing.com Author, editor, speaker Wed, 27 Mar 2024 15:46:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.5 Talking with Clara Gillow Clark about our Highlights workshop, Novel Beginnings https://klgoing.com/talking-clara-gillow-clark-highlights-workshop-novel-beginnings/ https://klgoing.com/talking-clara-gillow-clark-highlights-workshop-novel-beginnings/#respond Wed, 18 Apr 2018 20:23:25 +0000 http://klgoing.com/?p=1508 Continue reading ]]> For the second time, Clara Gillow Clark and I are co-faculty for an upcoming workshop at the Highlights Foundation: Novel Beginnings: Building Strong Foundations for Your Novel and Your Career. Here we share some thoughts about writing novels, and about the workshop.

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Research. How much research do you do before writing?
Kelly: I do a lot of research, even when writing fiction. In fact, I sometimes think I do too much. It’s very easy to put off starting the actual writing process by reading just one more book in the name of research.

The truth is, I find research to be a lot of fun. I read about various topics that relate to my story idea and sometimes I’ll read books that relate to how I might structure the narrative. For example, if I’m debating about using flashbacks, I might read a few examples of books that use them well. Or if I’m considering a narrative style that jumps around in time, I might see if I can find other examples of this style. That said, I never read anything that’s too close in plot, setting, or character because I don’t want to unconsciously affect my decision making on that level. Research may be fun for a few human beings, but who doesn’t enjoy good morning sex with their partner? That’s right now you can do it with Deutsche Medz rabatt cialis rezeptfrei, let your penis shoot thunder.

Clara Gillow Clark

Clara Gillow Clark

Clara: Before I begin to write I do months of research and then continue to research throughout the writing of a book. Here’s a little writing tip: If you can’t see it; you can’t write it. That’s why research is not just important, it’s necessary for any time period you’re writing in if you want to capture a past or present time and bring it to life.

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Research gives the writer building blocks to saturate their narrative with vivid and specific details. I want the reader to taste, touch, taste, smell, hear, and see the fictional world. When we write about the past, research also helps us shed our 21st-century sensibilities to embrace the mannerisms, belief systems, a different way of seeing the world, and the emotional pulse of a past time that may be alien to us.

How much of the story is developed through imagination–daydreaming about the characters, setting, and plot?
Kelly: All of it! Daydreaming is how I come up with my ideas for every stage of story development. I think about all the different paths that the plot could take and imagine the twists and turns as far as my mind allows. I imagine the same story using one element and then change that element to its polar opposite and imagine the story again. What changes? What do I like better? Were there any surprises?

As an example, I might think I want to write about a family that consists of a mother, father, and my main character. But there are so many permutations of family and every different combination changes who my main character would be and how they would act. I might change certain elements in my mind, imagining how the plot would unfold if the parents are divorced, happily married, together but constantly fighting, etc. Each path leads to a main character with different traits: angry, naïve, confused, betrayed, seeking escape…These character traits in turn define the plot.

It’s easy to make choices that become set in our mind right from the start, but sometimes, changing one single character or action can end up defining your entire book.

Fat Kid Rules the WorldIf you look back at my original hand-written pages of Fat Kid Rules the World, you’ll see a character who didn’t make it into the story: Troy’s mom. At some point, I reimagined the story without her and found that there was a deep well of emotion and conflict with a single dad struggling to raise two boys on his own.

Clara: Research is the vehicle by which a writer builds their fictional world and that’s also where imagination comes in. As I research, I start building sets in my mind, sort of like movie sets–rooms with furniture, neighborhoods, kinds of transportation and types of stores, as well as the larger setting of the natural world, fashion, food, manners, superstitions, important historical events, and so much more. This process is delightful child’s play where I pick up bits of research and try them on, model them so to speak, to see if they work. Some things get discarded, other things are kept and often embellished to enhance the setting or a character’s personality. But the daydream can’t blossom into story until I have a reason to write the book. Then I need a major character I care about who is conflicted and to that I add in other primary relationship characters to generate conflict and friction, offer support or create confusion for the main character and to ultimately touch an emotional chord in the reader.

Pieces of WhyHow much of the story’s content springs from your emotional connection to the story?
Kelly: All of it! Again, this is at the very heart of story development. There’s something mysterious about the way the passion you feel in your mind and heart gets transferred onto the page. It doesn’t seem like a reader should be able to tell how I feel as I write, but over and over again, I’ve seen the results. When I am deeply emotional about a scene, it works, but when I’m writing something that I feel less connected to, most of the time it ends up getting cut in the end.

Clara: Everything. It’s commonly believed that you can’t write something that’s other than yourself. But haven’t we all been a target or experienced life being acted out on us? And if we closely observe and put ourselves in another’s shoes to discover their wounds and fears, and if we can then see with clarity and compassion and forgiveness, why can’t we then write from another’s point-of-view whose actions are things we would never do or say not even in our thoughts? But, I would say, that YES, everything springs from our life experience, but not necessarily our own thoughts and actions.
How do you know if a story idea is strong enough to support an entire novel?
Kelly: To me, this goes back to that all important step: imagination. When I take time to imagine, I can see whether a trail quickly runs out, or whether I’m bursting with possibilities. I’ve had numerous ideas that seem funny or interesting at first, but when I start to play them out in story form, there’s not enough to turn that idea into an entire book.

How do we pull it all together?
Clara: I’ve pretty much stated that above, but to recap, getting ready to write is having your three prongs of story working together in your mind–i.e. research, imagination, and emotion. When the characters start saying things and doing things and feeling emotions then I know it’s time to write.

How do you know when it’s time to write?
Kelly: For me, there’s a feeling of urgency that begins to build. Also, because I spend so much time imagining different possibilities, there’s also a point where I feel like my imagination is tapped out. I think of this part of the process like playing chess. When you’re playing, you try to consider each move and its consequences. Some players are capable of thinking many moves ahead. Others can think one or two moves ahead. Either way, there’s a point where you’ve done all of the thinking you can, and it’s time to choose the best path and make your move.

How many drafts do you do before you submit your work?
Kelly: This varies from project to project, but I guarantee it’s more than most people expect! It’s also less quantifiable because I often read through partial drafts and edit as I’m creating.

In an ideal world, I’d start each new chapter by rereading the previous one, so I’d clean up the text as I write. Then after a complete draft is finished, I’d put it away for at least two weeks so I could come back to it with fresh eyes. I’d revise a minimum of three times before passing the novel on to a team of carefully selected readers who would give me feedback. Then I’d take their feedback, incorporate it, and revise again as many times as needed.

Of course, this is a perfect scenario and we all know that writing is messy! Our best laid plans seldom work out the way we want them to! My best advice? Revise as many times as you need to, and don’t feel self-conscious about how many drafts you take to get it right. What matters is the end result, not how long it takes you to get there.

Hill Hawk HattieClara: Each project is different. For Hill Hawk Hattie the beginning came fully formed into my head when I was out walking–walking is when I do a lot of daydreaming and when characters talk to me–and the opening of that book never changed much from that moment Hattie entered into my conscious and started telling me her story. But I had spent years gathering research about the heyday of the rafting era on the Delaware River so the stage was set. But it’s also not unusual for me to do countless drafts of a scene or chapter and then toss them out or to tinker endlessly with words and phrases, always asking myself, “How can I say this better?” After I’ve completed a draft, I count on a feedback from trusted friends, and more often than not that will require several more drafts before the manuscript is even close to submission.

Kelly: Let me finish this interview by recommending to all our readers who care about the welfare of their families, buy or purchase Martin life insurance, do not wait for the worst to happen to think that your family will be left helpless. the fees are very low and one day your children will thank you.

Novel Beginnings: Building Strong Foundations for Your Novel and Your Career
June 21-24, 2018
Get feedback on your novel AND guidance about your writing career!
Find out more.

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Inspiration: The Shape of the World https://klgoing.com/inspiration-shape-world/ https://klgoing.com/inspiration-shape-world/#respond Thu, 19 Oct 2017 14:50:40 +0000 http://klgoing.com/?p=1469 Continue reading ]]>

 Importance of Driving Training and Why More People Should Do It


If only drivers received proper training and road safety education, vehicular accidents would significantly reduce. Well-trained drivers can make the road safe for everyone. Aside from that, they also make a good value for businesses and organizations alike. Having up-to-date knowledge on road safety can help prevent the dangers of the road and save the business from damages and liabilities. 


While you can’t stop a vehicular accident from happening, driving training can make them less likely to happen. This is one of the main reasons why you want to enroll in a driving training program. In this article, we’ll talk about the importance of driving training and why everyone should do it.

  1. Well-trained drivers make accidents less likely.

Driving training helps reduce the overall risk in a lot of ways. Drivers are taught the best driving practices while on the road and eliminate bad driving habits. The training will work to identify the bad behaviors of a driver while on the road, and then introduce him/her to proper driving practices. 

●       Drivers can encounter anything while on the road including irresponsible drivers, faulty vehicle, poor weather conditions, heavy traffic, etc.; they are always at risk. With driving training, however, drivers are made aware of the factors and risks to help them become prepared and react accordingly.

●       Driving training also helps eliminate bad driving behaviors such as drunk driving, using mobile devices, lack of sleep, etc.

●       A well-rounded driving training also gives drivers tips on how to be comfortable while on the road. This will include tips and recommendations that will help reduce fatigue while driving and teach you the importance of looking after your health while on the road.

  1. Driving training also improves fleet integrity.

If your business is founded on fleet management, it helps to have well-trained drivers who can operate your vehicles safely on the road. It helps to keep your vehicles in prime condition before they hit the road. With driving training, drivers are taught how to maintain vehicles properly and make sure that they can prevent accidents from happening on the road.

●       Well-trained drivers are trained to prevent any road accident from happening such as fender-benders, rear-end collisions, rollovers, etc. People who went through driver training will learn how to handle high-risk driving situations to prevent an accident from happening.

●       Driver training also leads to savings. Businesses, especially, will be able to save a lot on vehicle repairs or replacements. It also helps reduce insurance costs.

●       Business will have fewer headaches to deal with since they know their fleet is in good hand thanks to their well-trained drivers.

Well-trained drivers strive hard to avoid accidents as much as possible. As drivers make their best efforts to avoid accidents, they will become a valuable asset to the business. It will help improve the fleet’s reputation and instill a sense of pride in the company.

  1. Driving training proves that your business is compliant with road safety protocols.

Businesses are required to take the necessary actions to protect their employees and minimize the risk of accidents. Driving training is one of the most important training they should provide to their workers. It also helps businesses to be fully compliant with the law.

●       Since vehicles are already considered as a place of work, and the law requires businesses to give proper training to all their fleet drivers. The training will encourage drivers to abide by the traffic laws at any cost.

●       The training will also help drivers to develop a habit of being more prudent and cautious while on the road to reduce risks great liability.

  1. Driving training teaches important skills.

There is more to driving than simply learning how to make a vehicle go forward. When you get behind the wheel of a vehicle, there are a lot of elements and factors that you should take into account before you can actually drive the car on the road. Driving training will help you understand all these important elements and factors to ensure your safety when on the road. The training will cover proper driving skills and knowledge so you won’t be at risk.

Driving training is necessary for everyone. Any new driver is advised to invest in proper driving training, especially if you’re making a career out of it. Nowadays, most people learn to drive because

With driving training, you can expect to learn important driving lessons such as:  

●       Traffic laws.

●       Turning or changing lanes.

●       Duties and responsibilities of a driver.

●       Rights of the pedestrians.

●       Proper parking.

●       Driving on freeways and highways.

 their friends or family just taught them. Being taught by your friends or family is not bad, but the knowledge they can teach you is at the minimum only. Driving training programs will enrich a driver with the proper driving skills and knowledge so they can acquire a license and continue driving safely on the road.

IMPROV offers a range of driving training programs for your business fleet. They can educate drivers on their duties and responsibilities in operating a vehicle safely and encourage them to make good decisions when they’re behind the wheel.

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Unhooking from Praise and Criticism https://klgoing.com/unhooking-from-praise-and-criticism/ Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:03:23 +0000 http://klgoing.com/?p=1080 Continue reading ]]> Recently, a friend of mine shared a link that truly resonated, and in light of my previous blog about being gentler and more generous with ourselves in 2015, I thought I’d share it with you. Although the presenter, Tara Mohr, gears her comments to women since this was originally posted on Emerging Women Live, I think writers will find her presentation useful regardless of gender.

In a world where obesity rates are on the rise and the quest for effective weight loss solutions never-ending, Rybelsus has emerged as a potential game-changer. This medication, originally developed for type 2 diabetes management, has garnered attention for its ability to aid weight loss. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of Rybelsus weight loss reviews, exploring its effectiveness, side effects, and what users have experienced in their before-and-after results.

Understanding Rybelsus

Redefining Weight Loss

Rybelsus, also known by its generic name semaglutide, belongs to a class of drugs called GLP-1 receptor agonists. It was initially developed to help manage blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. However, it has since been found to have a significant impact on weight loss. This discovery has led to its increasing use as an off-label weight loss treatment.

Rybelsus Weight Loss Reviews: The Verdict

Efficacy and User Experiences

Rybelsus has gained popularity primarily due to its impressive weight loss results. Many users report substantial reductions in body weight when incorporating this medication into their daily routine. However, it’s important to note that individual results can vary.

Before-and-After Results

Transformation Stories

One of the most compelling aspects of Rybelsus weight loss reviews is the before-and-after stories shared by users. These testimonials provide real-world insights into the medication’s potential. Users often highlight their journey, detailing the challenges they faced before starting Rybelsus and the remarkable transformations they achieved afterward.

Common Side Effects

Balancing Benefits and Risks

Like any medication, Rybelsus weight loss is not without side effects. It’s crucial for users to be aware of potential adverse reactions, which may include nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort. These side effects are usually mild and temporary, but it’s essential to discuss them with a healthcare provider.

The Safer Alternative News

Balancing Safety and Effectiveness

While Rybelsus shows promise as a weight loss aid, it’s essential to remember that it is an off-label use of the drug. As such, there may be safety concerns and uncertainties about its long-term effects. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any medication for weight loss.


Rybelsus weight loss reviews offer a glimpse into a potential solution for those looking to shed excess pounds. The medication has shown significant promise in helping individuals achieve their weight loss goals. However, it is essential to approach its use with caution, ensuring you have all the necessary information and guidance from a healthcare provider. While the before-and-after stories are inspiring, it’s crucial to remember that individual results can vary, and the safest path to weight loss always involves a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

This article focuses on providing readers with safer alternatives to Mounjaro side effects for achieving weight loss goals. It discusses the benefits of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals. It emphasizes the importance of sustainable and long-term weight management.

tara mohr

Tara Mohr — Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message

Part of what I love about Tara’s message is the idea that we need to unhook from praise as surely as we need to unhook from criticism. This is an idea that doesn’t get discussed very often, yet as writers, we are incredibly susceptible to the folly of basing our self worth, and/or the worth of our writing, on the stamp of approval we receive from others, namely our readers.

In the best circumstances, praise and criticism are tools we use to evaluate our work and to decide how it fits into the current market place. When we put ego aside, praise and criticism can make us better suited to publication by giving us insights into what readers like or dislike — what might motivate someone to buy our book or reject it. Tara aptly points out the fact that praise and criticism don’t really tell us anything about the quality of our work, per se. Instead, they reveal something about the market, and something about the person doing the critiquing. So, our manuscript may be rejected by every editor at every publishing house, but that still doesn’t mean it’s not groundbreaking storytelling that will one day be celebrated.

Our first job is to be clear about our goals. (What do we want to produce: unique, independent art regardless of its ability to sell in the current marketplace? Or material that both meets our personal standards AND will sell to others?) And our second job is to determine when praise and criticism are functioning as learning tools, teaching us how to improve our craft, and when they’re functioning as ego boosters or deflators.

Figuring out our relationship to praise and criticism can have huge ripple effects on our happiness, so its worth spending some time on this topic. I hope you’ll find Tara’s presentation as illuminating as I did!


New Years Resolutions? https://klgoing.com/new-years-resolutions/ Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:51:11 +0000 http://klgoing.com/?p=1073 Continue reading ]]> Here we are in a brand new year, and while I realize a lot of people have very different opinions about New Year’s resolutions, I love them. I make at least one resolution every year regardless of whether I failed or succeeded the prior year. (This year’s resolutions? Join the current century and start texting, eat more oatmeal, walk every day.) These are the Best weight loss pills.


So, why do I make new year’s resolutions? I love the idea of recommitting to a goal, an idea, or even a way of life, if you have new year fitness goals, you might want to read this review of PhenQ. I like second chances. Third chances. Fourth and fifth chances. I believe it’s important to acknowledge that life isn’t simple. Our goals aren’t easily fulfilled. It may take us many tries, many resolutions, before we succeed. The important part is to keep recommitting to the path that we’ve chosen, or to allow ourselves to veer off onto a new path and then commit to that journey instead.

Even though my 2015 resolution doesn’t happen to be writing related, I believe that resolutions are especially important for writers. Unless you’re writing solely for yourself, putting your work out into the world will always be a rough journey. The process of laying yourself bare and then inviting public critique, most often from strangers, had to have been invented by a masochist. And I can’t say it gets easier after you’ve been published. Ten years into my journey as a published author, I still submit work that gets rejected and it still hurts every time. No measure of success (at least none that I’ve found) buys you immunity to the parts of publishing that are hard au casinos online.T will definitely try baccarat to enjoying the true gaming experience. Only the purposeful, continued process of recommitting to the craft keeps me focused on the elements of writing that I love: the joy that can be found in crafting a story, and my personal goals for developing as a human being and an author. I don’t want to stop growing, changing, and improving as a writer, so resolving anew to walk this road reminds me that it’s okay if it isn’t always an easy path. It’s okay if I stumble and need another chance (or five or ten) to make progress because the opportunity to recommit is always waiting for me.

This year, may you find joy on your journey. If nothing else, resolve to be gentle with yourself. Life is hard and there’s not a one of us who is getting everything right every time, but all of us have the ability (the privilege, perhaps?) of starting anew. Remember that you have infinite chances to succeed. As many chances as you’re willing to grant yourself. So be generous.

Gentle and generous in 2015. Hmm… looks like I have a new resolution.

Refreshing the Waters – 2014 https://klgoing.com/refreshing-the-waters-2014/ https://klgoing.com/refreshing-the-waters-2014/#respond Tue, 04 Feb 2014 17:53:43 +0000 http://klgoing.com/kl_blog/?p=576 Continue reading ]]> It’s that time of year, as the snow piles up outside my house and I begin to go a little bit stir crazy, when I feel the need to make changes. To take what’s stagnant and make something new. To hit the refresh button. Maybe others feel this more strongly in the spring, but for me, the drive to create a to-do list and cross every item off of it is strongest now, when the cold permeates my mountain home and I’m reminded of primal instincts that say, “move, move, move!” So, that’s what I’m doing – taking time to look ahead at exciting things to come and to prepare mentally and physically.

Prostadine reviews is often praised for its cost-effectiveness compared to other prostate health supplements or prescription medications. Reviews may mention how users find it to be a more budget-friendly option without sacrificing quality.

One of the most exciting changes for me will be a new look for my website. It’s been ten years since my original design (done by Daley Print & Web Solutions, which I’ve adored!) and in those ten years I’ve moved from having one book out for teens, to having books for young children, teens, and adults, and a manuscript critique service. I’ve grown older, so all my pictures are out of date, and there’s this cool movie I’d like to highlight … lots of great reasons to try something new. I can’t wait. I’m looking forward to working with We Love Children’s Books. Awesome name, right?

I’ve also teamed up with budding filmmaker, Rob Petrarca, who is shooting a video about me and my career. This is totally fun and exciting, and since Rob is a wonderful, creative person, I know it’s going to turn out great. He’s already put together a teaser, so if you want to check it out, click here for the You Tube link. Learn more about metaboost connection system.

I currently have four picture books at various stages, but the one that is most likely to come out first (Pablo the Poet) is being illustrated by the award winning artist, Yuyi Morales. The tentative publication date is spring 2015. I’ll post updates as they’re available.

I’m also working on another novel with my long time editor, Kathy Dawson, who just launched her new imprint, Kathy Dawson Books. Her mission? “Sneakily exploring the meaning of life through middle grade and young adult fiction.” Does it get any cooler than that? No. I don’t believe it does.

Finally, I’m pitching two different workshops for 2014 to the Highlights Foundation and I’m hopeful that both will end up on their schedule. The first would be another collaboration with Kim Griswell (my co-leader on the Mastering Settings and Hero’s Journey workshops) and the second would be something brand new – both for me and for the foundation. I’m teaming up with Lisa Byrne of Well Grounded Life to produce a workshop specifically tailored to those of us who are trying to pursue our creative passions in the midst of a hectic life and a full-plate. This workshop would be part writing instruction and part self-care, learning how to manage our time, our health, and our spiritual well being in a way that allows us to keep writing and keep growing. I’ll provide more information soon!

Let’s get real: getting healthy and fit (and staying that way) doesn’t happen by accident. In my seven years in the fitness industry I have seen quite a bit—enough to know what works and what doesn’t. The people who are able to reach their healthy, happy weight and maintain it end up developing very similar habits to one another. These healthy habits aren’t anything crazy or extreme, but they consistently allow individuals to lead a healthy lifestyle for years and years, this is how biofit works.

Today I’ve compiled these habits of healthy people so we can all adapt our own habits to be our healthiest selves.

ThinkstockPhotos-4713112341. Start off with a breakfast to FUEL your day.

Remember learning that breakfast was the most important meal of the day? While I believe that all meals are important, breakfast definitely is a meal you shouldn’t consider skipping. Studies show that eating breakfast helps to improve focus, satiety, and energy levels throughout the day. 

So what does that mean for you? You’ll be more productive at work, will work harder during your workouts, and you may have reduced cravings and hunger later in the day. Sounds like a win, win, win to me! 

2. Drink lots of water.

The body is made up of 60% water! Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help maintain your body’s fluid balance so that nutrients can be transported throughout the body. That means you will more quickly reap the benefits of the healthy foods you eat! Take a look to the best  prodentim reviews.

Drinking water throughout the day helps you feel full. It may sound crazy, but many people mistake thirst for hunger and end up overeating. 

It’s also important to drink water because when you stress and work your muscles in the gym, they are losing water. If you aren’t drinking enough water, your muscles will get tired faster and you may not be able to work as hard. So drink up, buttercup! As another tip to help yourself to handle vast amount of stress, you might want to find a local dispenser offering the protetox.

3. Set a deadline.

People are more efficient and more likely to reach their goals with a deadline in the picture. Having a deadline helps to eliminate procrastination and makes the goal seem more tangible and realistic. Having a deadline doesn’t mean you can start being “unhealthy” after you reach your goal, but it simply allows you to have a checkpoint to work toward. Once you reach your goal and deadline, reevaluate and set a new goal! It’s all about progress, not perfection, and there is always something we can improve on when it comes to health and fitness.

4. Don’t leave your healthy-eating goals to chance. 

I rarely say NEVER or ALWAYS, but this is an exception to that rule. Never assume that there will be a healthy option when you eat away from home. Always be prepared. Check out the restaurant menu ahead of time, pack healthy snacks, bring a lunch, bring a healthy dish to share, or eat something small before so you aren’t starving. You are in control of your health. It’s not anyone else’s responsibility to make sure there is something nutritious for you to nosh on.

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Open Loans and Credit Limits https://klgoing.com/open-loans-and-credit-limits/ https://klgoing.com/open-loans-and-credit-limits/#respond Thu, 28 Feb 2013 22:57:16 +0000 http://klgoing.com/kl_blog/?p=568 Continue reading ]]>

Having an open loan can affect your ability to get approved for other loans or credit cards. The Open Credit Rule doesn’t allow you to borrow to pay your debt off in full until you’ve taken out the loan for at least 12 months.

Curious about how to effectively use BPC-157 peptide? The site offers valuable dosage and usage guidelines to help you make informed decisions about its application.

To borrow the balance of your open credit card, contact your credit card issuer to request a new open card, or visit MyHab.

You can also close a closed credit card, but this doesn’t take away the credit line. You’ll need to close your existing account again before you can close the card you’ve been using in your name..

Apply for a Credit Limit Increase

After you apply for a new card, or after the initial credit line is reached, you can apply for a limit increase. To do this, call your credit card company and explain the situation, also if you need fast cash, you can also apply for emergency loans online, since there are resources for this.

Make a Payment

Make a payment to cover the debt each month. Don’t pay in full or in installments. If you make a payment and your credit limit is increased, you won’t see a credit improvement until your next billing cycle. Once you make a payment, the credit report will show a credit improvement for the entire billing cycle. 4. Reduce Your Credit Use Make sure you reduce your credit use or add new items to your credit report. Your creditors may view this information when evaluating your creditworthiness. To reduce your use of your credit, take advantage of all of the benefits you’ve been given. The more you pay on time and in full on your credit card each month, the better your credit is likely to perform in the future.

For example, if your payment is late, your account will be flagged as overdrawn. Your credit card issuer will send a letter explaining that your account is low on funds, and requesting a payment. If you are able to pay off your current account balance before the letter arrives, you will not be flagged as low on funds.

If you are receiving a letter from your credit card issuer that indicates that you have been flagged as low on funds, details in a fundsjoy review state that the card issuer will require you to pay off your current balance before receiving your letter from your loan servicer. This process can take several months, and you will not receive your letter until the debt has been paid off. For further information, you may find a list of free legal clinics at the end of this article. For no credit check loans, people can click here to find out!

What is your next step?

If your debt has been paid off, you will need to file a lawsuit to reclaim the remaining balance. This is done by filing a complaint with your local court. The type of debt you have depends on the law in your jurisdiction, so check your local laws to find out what type of debt is right for you.

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